climate change
through art.

We collect artworks that address human-made climate change and connect them with curators, galleries, and institutions.

Paz de la Calzada, The Bucolic Labyrinth (2021)

Riccardo Matlakas, Follow Up (2020)

Art as a catalyst for change.

The Climate Art Collection is the largest collection of climate change related artworks in the world. We welcome any new curators, artists, institutions, art enthusiasts and the rest to join our mission.

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Climate Art Collection

Climate Art Collection e.V.
Böttgerstr. 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany
Imprint & Data privacy Terms and conditions

The Climate Art Collection e.V. is registered as a non-profit organization at the Charlottenburg District Court (association register number: VR 40129 B) and is exempt from corporation and trade tax according to §5 I 9 KStg. under the tax number (27/662/59508).