Terms and Conditions

The Climate Art Collection e.V. ("CAC") is a non-profit organization based in Germany dedicated to connecting curators, exhibitors, and artists, while promoting awareness of the climate crisis through art. It connects artists with exhibiting entities such as curators, galleries, art institutions and others. Artists can continuously submit their artworks to be listed in the CAC, which is made accessible to exhibiting entities via an online platform.

1. Membership

1.1 Types of Membership

CAC offers several types of yearly memberships:

  • Advocate: Free membership
  • Friend: Paid membership
  • Ambassador: Premium paid membership
  • Patron: Highest tier paid membership

1.2 Membership Fees

Fees for paid memberships are billed on a yearly basis and are processed through Stripe. Details regarding the fees for each membership tier can be found on our website.

1.3 Account Creation

Users must create an account to access and interact with features on the CAC platform. This includes viewing artworks, subscribing to memberships, and inquiring about artworks.

2. User Conduct

2.1 Acceptable Use

Users agree to use the CAC platform in a manner that is lawful, relevant, and respectful to other users. Any use of the platform for unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material is prohibited.

2.2 Responsibility of Users

Users are responsible for securing their account information and are liable for all activities conducted through their account. CAC is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from unauthorized use of a user's account.

3. Artist Submissions

This section regulates the granting of rights of use to the submitted artworks ("Work") in favour of the Climate Art Collection e.V. ("CAC") in order to support CAC's non-profit communication and mediation work regarding the climate crisis.

3.1 Uploading Artworks

Artists may upload their artworks to the CAC platform irrespective of their membership status.

3.2 Granting of Rights

By uploading artwork, the artist grants CAC the non-exclusive right to use the artwork as follows:

  • Publication on CAC's website, social media, printed materials, press releases, and other communications.
  • Display in exhibitions, events, or other activities organized by or with CAC to make the artwork accessible to the public.

3.3 Duration of Rights

The granting of the rights of use is valid for an unlimited period of time, unless the artist withdraws the granting of the rights of use. The artist has the right to withdraw the granting of the rights of use in accordance with this agreement within 6 weeks in writing. CAC's rights of use shall end 6 weeks after receipt of the written declaration of withdrawal by CAC.

3.4 Remuneration

The use of the work by CAC is free of charge. CAC undertakes to mention the name and title of the work for each use insofar as this is practicable.

The Artist retains the copyright in the Work and the right to use the Work in any other way, provided that this does not conflict with the rights granted to CAC under this Agreement.

3.6 Warranty and Liability

The Artist assures that he/she is the sole author of the work and that he/she holds all necessary rights to the work. The artist assures that the use of the work by CAC does not infringe any rights of third parties. The artist indemnifies CAC against claims by third parties arising from a breach of this warranty.

3.7 Termination

The agreement can be terminated by either party for cause with immediate effect and must be executed in writing.

5. Data Protection

5.1 Personal Data

CAC is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. Personal data collected through the platform is processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which provides detailed information on how personal data is collected, used, and protected.

5.2 Cookies

The CAC platform uses cookies to improve user experience, track usage patterns, and manage site traffic. By using the platform, users consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by German law. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this agreement shall be Berlin.

7. Disclaimers

7.1 General

CAC does not guarantee that the platform will be error-free or uninterrupted. The platform and its content are delivered on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

CAC is not responsible for the content of third-party sites linked from the platform. Links to third-party sites are provided for convenience only and do not imply an endorsement.

8. Final Provisions

Amendments or additions to these terms must be made in writing. Should any provision of these terms be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

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Climate Art Collection

Climate Art Collection e.V.
Böttgerstr. 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany
Imprint & Data privacy Terms and conditions

The Climate Art Collection e.V. is registered as a non-profit organization at the Charlottenburg District Court (association register number: VR 40129 B) and is exempt from corporation and trade tax according to §5 I 9 KStg. under the tax number (27/662/59508).